Monday, December 12, 2005

The fall

I went to a Body Balance class tonight at the gym. It is a combination of Tai Chi, Yoga and Pilates. While waiting outside the room for the earlier aerobics class to finish I was watching a tall gangly guy making lots of noise running on a treadmill. He had the speed up quite high and just didn’t look completely comfortable. Well, he must have started to tire out and decided to try and step off the end without slowing down. He got one foot down onto the floor and then he came crashing down onto the treadmill and off. It was so funny I couldn’t help laughing. Luckily the only thing he hurt was his pride.

Last week I did yoga and was the only guy and today it was the same deal. My inflexibility is not well suited to these types of classes and I am sure I look ridiculous at times but I am hoping the classes will help me strengthen my back and increase my flexibility.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Still here

Well, a lot has happened in nearly 4 weeks since I wrote my last blog entry.

Lani applied for one of two teacher’s aide positions down at the school and got an interview. We still haven’t heard back from the school yet but we were never really confident about getting the job considering the positions were contract positions turning into permanent, the two experienced teacher aides in those positions were also applying. No matter what the outcome, the experience of applying and going to an interview was positive.

At the moment, Lani and the kids are in Canberra. They went down for the birth of John and Krysti’s baby, Jessica Kate. Fortunately the baby didn’t come early and Lani was able to provide support and witness the birth of the baby. Krysti and the baby are doing fine. If you want to see some photos of the baby click on Krysti and John’s blog link in the right column.

The house has been very quiet without Lani and the kids. I’ve been keeping myself busy going to the gym and doing some work around the house. I replaced one of the pergola posts, installed a new bath in the bathroom including connecting up the plumbing and the usual lawn mowing and garden work. There is still plenty of work to do in the main bathroom but we are going to wait until after Bob and Kim visit in January before we pull the shower apart.

I’m looking forward to my Christmas holiday. I will be driving down to Canberra on the Christmas weekend to pick up Lani and the kids and catch up with the extended family down there. We will stay in Canberra for a few days and then head back home via Mum and Dad’s house spending a few days there also, catching up with the my side of the family.