Tuesday, November 06, 2007


The weekend before last I decided to go out for a bit of a fish in our boat. Things didn't start out too well when I accidentally reversed the car into the boat trailer cup link and punched about a 5cm gash into the rear bumper. The ground in the side yard where the boat is now located was a bit soft after we had a lot of rain, which made it difficult to manually push the boat around. Getting the boat in and out through the gate is also a little tricky and I needed to move the car into a better alignment to tow the boat out. Being on a slight incline I wanted to make sure the car didn't go backwards into the trailer when I took my foot off the brake, so I quickly applied some power once I released the brake. Unfortunately I had somehow decided to put the car into Reverse instead of Drive. Within a blink of an eye the damage was done. Lani was near the rear of the car at the time and I am so glad I didn't knock her over in the process. I still went out for a bit of a fish. I was intending to go outside but there were small waves breaking at the Seaway due to a very low and strong run out tide. I tried fishing some of the Broadwater but there was also a strong wind blowing making things a little unpleasant. So a took the boat for a run and explore up to the top of South Stradbroke island.

We continue to have some dramas with our furniture. We received another set of 6 chairs to replace the mismatched set we initially received. When Lani opened the boxes she discovered it was yet again another mismatched set. On Saturday morning we assembled 3 of the chairs and went back to the store and tried to manually select another 3 same and undamaged chairs to complete the set of 6 from the warehouse. We managed to get one more chair and they have put 2 chairs on order. What a debacle!

For the rest of the weekend we didn't really do anything exciting. Saturday afternoon Lani and I mowed and edged the lawn while the kids rode around on their bikes. Afterwards we all had a swim and play in the pool to cool down. Then while Lani prepared the dinner I played some cricket on the driveway with James and Jasmine until it was getting too dark and the mozzies were biting.

On Sunday Lani and the kids went to Sea World. I was hoping to go for a paddle on my wave ski at the beach near Sea World but it was too windy, so I went for a ride on my bike for some exercise.

Yesterday in an effort to get the kids doing some more physical activity after school Lani asked the kids to do 10 laps in the pool. They ended up both doing just over 100 laps each doing a mixture of freestyle, swimming with a noodle or whatever.


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